Friday, October 17, 2008

I have been remiss in my postings!

It has been some time since I last posted. The usual stuff of work, family, etc. has kept me busy. I have also put the 6mm stuff aside for a while and was thinking that I would expand this blog to the other scales and interests I have in miniature gaming. I am very keen on gaming World War One and have been very active with FOW1918 (Yahoo group) and Wings of War. I am also very interested in the American Civil War. How can one not be living in the area I do? I have been doing some lite research into the cavalry battles that happened in Virginia and the action at Gettysburg. I have also been known to play a game of DBA on occasion and have a few armies. So I will start posting on all of these subjects along with my 6mm stuff as well. Currently my gaming time and partners have all but disappeared so I am hoping to work out some new time and get my friends gaming again or try to find a few new ones.

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