Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Early Germans core army finished

 I finished my core stands for the Early German army. It is 1- 4Wb(Gen), 10 - 4Wb & 1 - 2Ps. As I noted in my previous post, I based three figures instead of four on the 4WB base size. I could not see mounting four. It would be to crowded. I enjoyed doing the guys and I really like the poses. The shields are okay, I wish I could free hand scrolls better but...

For their camp I mounted up an Ox cart. I think it will work fine. I left room for a stand to be placed on it. In the future if I find some camp followers I will add them.

I plan on doing the following options for this army - 1 - 3Cv (Gen), 1 - 3Cv, 1 - 2Lh and 1 - 2Ps. I have one more stand for my Romans, 1 3Cv, and the core of both armies will be done and I can start gaming with them.

The pics still are not great, need to work with this camera some more.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Early Germans II/47 not British

Well I was wrong in my last post. The barbarian army I am building are actually going to be Early German not British as I had noted in my last post. I have decided to go with three figs on the 4Wb (20mm) stand. Putting four of these guys on a stand would be really crowded and I don't think it would look as good. I will be able to build the A, B, D, F & G lists when I am done but for the moment I am going to focus on the G list.  This army is to be a matched pair for the Romans so I will only focus on those lists.
II/47 Early German 115BC - 250AD

a) Cimbri & Teutones(113-102BC) - 1x3Cv(Gen), 1x3Cv, 9x4Wb, 1x2Ps

b) Ariovistus (58BC) - 1x4Wb(Gen), 2x3Cv, 8x4Wb, 1x2Ps

c) Batavi Rebellion (69AD) - 1x3Cv(Gen), 2x4Aux, 8x3Wb, 1x2Ps

d) Other Batavi - 1x3Cv(Gen), 9x4Wb, 2x2Ps

e) Cherusci - 1x3Cv or 3Wb(Gen), 9x3Wb, 2x2Ps

f) Tencerti - 1x3Cv or 4Wb(Gen), 1x2Lh, 9x4Wb, 1x2Ps

g) Others - 1x3Cv or 4Wb(Gen), 10x4Wb, 1x2Ps

Red indicates enemies to the Roman army II/56.

This is what they looked like when I got them. Some still do.


This is after a Simple Green soak and a wire brush.

This is them in all their glory! Not the best pic, still trying to figure this camera out. I will post pictures of my finished army hopefully soon.


I have ordered some shield decals and am waiting to see how they will work.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Losing focus but gaining an army

 I started this year with a list of projects and was hoping to stick to it. Well, that didn't last long. I wan digging through the bins of figures I have and came across some 25mm Romans. When I opened the shop I had taken a few stands and rebased and touched them up to make a demo DBA army. They are RAFM historical figures which we can call old school style. So I did five stand and five stands of some Old Glory Celts (more on them later). They never really got used so they were put away and kinda forgotten. So I am looking at the bin of figs and decide that I don't need all of them, seventy some painted green, yellow and blue. I pull the blue ones, rebase and touch them up as Aux, four stands. The others are in the case at the store for sale. This gives me four Blade, a Blade general and the four Auxilia. Not much more and I have an army. I find two cav that will work as Light Horse, so I ordered the artillery piece (using some extra figs as crew) and Cav from RAFM to finish it up. They are not great but a decent gaming quality and I think it will make a great army for a better visual game. The camp is very simple and generic, works for me.

The RAFM figs are not that bad. They have separate heads and weapons so you can personalize them. They are the older chunky style but still not bad. For the Aux I removed any plum form the helm to give them a different from the Blade along with the different base and staggered line basing.

Once the Cav and Art come in I will paint them up and will be done. I will post a pic of the complete army then.

As for the Celts, I have decided to do them up as a British Amry so I have a matched pair. Since I have a ton of Old Glory figs I will not need to buy anything for them but it will be a total Warband army. I do have enough cavalry to give them two light horse to add a little something different. These will take a little longer as I have to strip the figs (ghastly paint job) and repaint them.

I am still working on my FoW - EW, MW and LW but slowly and my WWI figures have been calling my name lately ...